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Clerking Program
FFF Clerk is the judge’s full-time assistant (裁判的全職助手)

▶  A clerk is a key ingredient in a successful show

▶  A good clerk can enhance the judge’s performance by maintaining the schedule, avoiding distractions, and ensuring accurate mechanics

The clerk’s job is vital to the success of the show!
What do judges would like for a clerk?

▶  Someone who is always available in the ring

▶  Someone who can think ahead of the judging and have the cats ready before the judge needs them.

▶  Someone who is alert to their own and the judge's paperwork.

▶  Someone who enjoys watching the breeds

▶  Someone who can function well under pressure.

Types of Clerk in FFF

●  Trainee (not licensed) (Chief Ring Clerk and Assistant Ring Clerk)

    實習記分員 / 助理記分員

●  Licensed Certified Clerk (Chief Ring Clerk)

    註冊記分員 / 助理記分員

●  Master Clerk Trainee


●  Master Clerk (Chief Master Clerk and Assistant Master Clerk)

    註冊總記分 / 助理總記分

●  Master Clerk Instructor


FFF Clerking License Requirements
A. General

▶  Must be at least 12 years old to be a Chief Ring clerk

▶  Attend a clerking school and passed the exam

▶  Get practical experience clerking** in the ring

▶  If you are the CFA licensed ring clerk, you only need to attend the FFF clerking school and apply for the license status.

B. Clerking Practical Experience

▶  The trainee must complete ring clerking assignments at FFF shows

▶  A satisfactory evaluation by the judge is required and the signed evaluation form must be received in central office (計分員評估表)

▶  2 assignments as chief ring clerk are required and must be under 2 different judges

▶  All clerk evaluation forms should be returned to the Master Clerk.  Master Clerk should return the form to the Central Office

C. After obtain sufficient number of clerking……

▶  If you receive a satisfactory clerk evaluation forms from 2 different Judges, you will become a FFF Certified Clerk!

▶  Don’t forget to submit your Ring Clerk Application form to Central Office