・OrlanDove/Solarsys owner
・FFF full breed judge
He spent six years at CFA and two years as a liaison officer in China. He was the Winner of the 2016-17 CFA Star Service Award. His main breeding achievements: nearly 80 independent breeding super champions, 7 BW variety champions, and 8 NW world champions. There are 20 DW/RW champions and 12 distinguished merits (DM). He has won the breed champion and world champion in Abyssinian varieties for three consecutive years, becoming the first Abyssinian breeder to obtain RW/DW or above in China, the international region, Europe, America and Japan
Feline Fanicers Federation
Email: felinefanicersfederation@gmail.com
Judging Program application
Email: tai_danny@yahoo.com.hk
Clerking Program
Email: chris_hoobee@hotmail.com