EN 欄目
FFF 裁判孵化計劃


FFF擁有一個非常有體制的裁判孵化計劃。 所有裁判需要通過全面的培訓。 FFF破舊立新,以一套靈活,實用的, 有效的系統去培訓裁判,令他們成為獨當一面和專業。

FFF提供不同的專題討論會,包括品種標準,評貓的技巧,貓基因,健康,洗護的知識,去增加裁判對貓更深的認知。 裁判委員會會去評核裁判需要改善的地方。 並需要每年參加考試以鞏固知識。

FFF的初心是以貓為來。 所有FFF的裁判都以貓評貓,做到公平,公正的賽果。

FFF目前擁有18位全品種裁判,2位准全品種裁判,5位准單品種(長毛及短毛)裁判, 7位准單品種裁判, 5位准實習裁判,12位日本實習裁判。 FFF歡迎所有有天賦的繁育家來加入FFF裁判的大家庭。

FFF Judging Program Application Requirement

▶  Applicant must be at least eighteen (18) years of age

▶  Three (3) years of breeding experience in one of the worldwide recognized cat association.

▶  Applicant can apply both specialties provided that the requirement of each specialty is fulfilled

▶  Exhibiting requirements:

        (a) An applicant must have exhibited actively in either one of the worldwide recognized cat associations for Five (3) years.

        (b) Exhibited at least 1 FFF cat show

        (c) A resume of awards obtained for the cats exhibiting must be provided

        (d) At least Two (2) different breeds exhibited for the specialty applied 

        (e) A resume of the exhibiting experience must be provided with photos

▶  Clerked at least 1 FFF cat show with satisfactory evaluation from an All Breed judge or a licensed ring clerk in FFF.

▶  A licensed master clerk in FFF or licensed master clerk in other pedigreed cat associations.

▶  Attend the FFF Judging School one time.

▶  Attend the Breed Introduction seminar arranged by the Breed Council to learn FFF breed standard.

▶  Pass the judging examination with 70% score

▶  Interview with the delegate from the Board of Directors and the Chairperson of the judging program will be conducted to evaluate the capability of the applicant.

▶  All information submits to the Judging Program Committee in FFF Headquarter.

▶  Two Third favorite votes from the Board can obtain the status of trainee.

▶  For the second specialty application, Applicant is required to fulfill the requirements as stated above

Judge Advancement
(a) Trainee > Approval Pending

        ▶  The first status for the applicant in the Pedigreed Show is Trainee in the FIRST specialty

        ▶  Trainee judge is required to seek the approval from the judging program committee for training. 

        ▶  Judging program committee will arrange the mentoring judge for the training

        ▶  Trainee judge at least needs to perform handling in 2 shows for the single specialty together with an Approved judge.  Approved judge will share and advise the skills and knowledge with the trainee judge.

        ▶  Evaluation form from the mentoring judge will be completed. The evaluation form will send directly to the Board

        ▶  If the evaluation is failed, more shows are required to be trained.

        ▶  Pass the judging examination with 70% scores.

        ▶  Trainee judge will be advanced to Approval Pending judges by passing two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote from the Board of Directors in the coming Board meeting.

        ▶  Trainee is required to bear all expenditures during training including transportation, hotel fees and meal fees.  Trainee is not eligible for the judging fees.

(b) Approval Pending > Approved

        ▶  Approval Pending judge at least needs to judge 2 shows for the single specialty ring by their own.

        ▶  Evaluation form will be completed by the show manager. The completed evaluation form will send to the Board directly by the show manager.

        ▶  Examination should be performed. 70% scores should be obtained for reaching the minimum requirement for advancement.

        ▶  Approval Pending judge will be advanced to Approval judge by passing two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote from the Board of Directors in the coming Board meeting.

(c) 2nd Specialty

        ▶  Trainee and Approval Pending judge for the 1st specialty can submit the application for the 2nd specialty

        ▶  Attendance at breed seminar and handling seminar is required for the appropriate specialty.

        ▶  The advancement procedure of the 2nd specialty follows the procedure pursuant to the 1st specialty

        ▶  Upon become approved in the 2nd specialty, the status of the judge is Approval Pending All Breed.

(d) Approval Pending All Breed

        ▶  Approval Pending All Breed judge needs to judge 3 shows as a Super Specialty judge in order to entitle for advancement of Approved All Breed judge

        ▶  Evaluation form will be completed by the show manager. The completed evaluation form will send to the Board directly.

        ▶  Approval Pending All Breed judge will be advanced to Approval All Breed judge by passing two-thirds (2/3) favorable vote from the Board of Directors in the coming Board meeting.