EN 欄目
FFF 貓賽機制

FFF has 2 formats of shows which are:

Kittens age from 4 months old to 8 months old. Adults age from 8 months old and above. Premiers age from 8 months old and above and must be neutered or spayed. Household pets age from 4 months old and above.

A. Supernova

        ▶  Encourage non-pedigreed cats to show and have fun in Supernova show

        ▶  Both non-pedigreed and pedigreed cats can join

        ▶  ONLY FFF registered supernova cats / pedigreed cats can accumulate Regional and National points in Supernova Cat Shows for earning the Regional Winner (SRW) and International Winner (SNW)

        ▶  Non-registered cats will be entered as “Novice”

        ▶  4 classes which are (a) KITTEN (b) ADULT (c) PREMIER (d) HOUSEHOLD PET

B. Pedigreed

        ▶  Only Pedigreed cats can join the Pedigreed Cat Show

        ▶  Pedigreed cats have the pedigree recognized by other cat association in worldwide from CFA, FIFE, TICA, WCF, ACFA, ICU, RUI.

        ▶  ONLY FFF registered Pedigreed cats can accumulate Regional and National points for earning the Regional Winner (RW) and International Winner title (NW)

        ▶  Non-registered cats will be entered as “Novice”

        ▶  3 classes which are (a) KITTEN (b) ADULT (c) ALTER

1. Pedigreed Cat Show

▶  3 classes which are (a) Kitten (b) Adult and (c) Alter

▶  Each cat will be judged according to its own breed

▶  Male and Female are judged and scored together

▶  Upon judging ALL cats in the same breed, the following ribbons will be given:

        (a) Best of Breed – GOLD

        (b) 2nd  Best of Breed – SILVER

        (c) 3rd  Best of Breed – COPPER

▶  Only Open/Champion title cats will be competed for CH / PR finals.

        ▶  Each judge will pick 3 longhair champion cats with OP / CH title and 3 Shorthair champion cats with OP / CH title to the Champion finals. Amongst these 6 cats, each judge will pick 3 All Breed champion cats.

        ▶  All Kittens without KC title can entitle for Kitten Champion finals. Each judge will pick 3 longhair Open kittens, 3 Shorthair Open kittens. Amongst these 6 Open kittens, each judge will pick 3 All Breed Champion Kittens.

        ▶  Each judge will pick 3 longhair premier cats with OP / PR title and 3 Shorthair premier cats with OP / PR title to the Premier Champion finals. Amongst these 6 premier cats, each judge will pick 3 All Breed champion cats.

        ▶  Top 10 All Breed cats will be selected for the final in each class

        ▶  7 Special Awards will be presented which are (a) Best Head Type (b) Best Coat (c) Best Color and  Pattern (d) Best Body (e) Best Condition (f) FFF King and (g) FFF Queen

        ▶  Special Awards for (a) to (e) will be scored by each judge. The highest scoring cat of each award will be the winner.  All classes are eligible to compete with these 5 special awards.

        ▶  Highest Scoring Male and Female in each class will be competed together and judged again by all  judges at the end of the show. The Highest Scoring male will be FFF King in the show while the Highest Scoring female will be FFF Queen in the show.


2. Supernova Show

▶  4 classes which are (a) Kitten (b) Adult (c) Premier and (d) HHP.

▶  Only FFF Registered Supernova / Pedigreed cats can earn RW and NW points

▶  Each cat will be judged according to its own breed

▶  Male and Female are judged and scored together

▶  Upon judging ALL cats in the same breed, the following ribbons will be given:

        (a) Best of Breed – GOLD

        (b) 2nd  Best of Breed – SILVER

        (c) 3rd  Best of Breed – COPPER

▶  Top 15 cats will be selected for the final in each class

▶  7 Special Awards will be presented right after all rings finished judging, which are (a) Best Head Type

    (b) Best Coat (c) Best Color & Pattern (d) Best Body (e) Best Condition (f) FFF Supernova King and (g) FFF Supernova Queen

▶  Special Awards for (a) to (e) will be scored by each judge. The highest scoring of each award will be the winner.  All classes are eligible to compete with these 5 special awards.

▶  Highest Scoring Male and Female in each class will be competed together and judged again by all judges at the end of the show. The Highest Scoring male will be awarded as FFF Supernova King in the show while the Highest Scoring female will be awarded as FFF Supernova Queen in the show.